Munch : hes
lush he is like me best m8 hes always der when i need im n when im pissed e helps me lol he s is da best n hes just amazing
n i luv im loads !!
Ben Plamer (grange 1) : he use to go to my primary school e wa
s so funny and i always went out wid im he has
a twin bro called lee ben is really good at football n e played golf
lee Palmer : he went out wid jess for yr 5 and 6 n day suted so
mutch lee is realy sweet and quite not like his bro hus loud but bens sweet to lol
Jack T : jack is class es amazing n he is always drinking on a
friday n lookin after me wen im pissed
Shopperz : sum times we ave argument son msn but part from dat
es sound es safe as fuck
Maggzy : e is a gimp lol nah es sound
Aaron : he is samazing he has a lush personality and he is CRAP at frnch
n u no im so much better then u at french
lewis a : he is really cool and he is a control freak jk
love he is a wicked person to be around !!
Billy .w : Billy es so funny and is always making me laugh es wicked
n hes quite
Billy .s : Billy is realy cool and funny es really tall n good at sk8ing
aparently lol jk e probz is
Lee : e can be a prick sum times well nerly all the time but sum times
e can be funny and sum times e can be cool but im going to stab im wid a cumpuse lol how do i look like a granny
Matt : FATTIE MATTIE es funny and always doing diferant acsents
it was so funny in english when e was taking da piss outa r english teacher trying to be australian lol !!!
Lewis.c : Lewis im guna miss u hun ur so funny and always cherring me
up ur like a best m8 u n becca realy suit n u should stay to gether till u go u better come bk n viset me plz
its so fun when we walk home lol
doyin: hes my sxc PIMP lol hes really cool and always up for a laugh
Kaman : Kaman is so funny and realy wicked es a rite ladys
man n all the yr 11 r always tlking to him but after wednesday der all gone lol i recan lana should go bk out wid u but wot
can i do lol
Jack.m: Jack is so wicked and funny and he has a lush
Shane : April ur so funny when u wlk home (sum times lol) when u do u
always take my money ur so sweet and ur so wicked dnt 4 get when were 16 were moving into ur house lol
Ben h : Ben ur dogs lush its so cutie ur funny
most of the time n sorry if i scare u lol
Conor : Conor is my lil hunni es always making me laugh n geting in trouble
wid mr bush (PRICK ) lol
Mitch w : Mich u call me dat eva agen n ur dead
lol ur so funny u n leon but u 2 always slap me n it herts so 1 day i will get u bk lol
Chris: Chris is so funny and e dosent ave a clue a bout girls but e nos im always
er if
e need hepl lol jk but i am er if u wont sum 1 to tlk to if ur upset lol
hope u like it