Holz m8s
Masie : she was one of my first mates shes from cheltnam
shes 13 and realy tall shes so funny but she asnt tlked to me for ages
Steph : she was my second friend after masie went
she was a lot of fun every nite she asked every boy in the site ow old they were and she got loads of boys numbas lol she
was so fun steph is 14
Dave : he was realy tall n him and steph are brother and
sister there both from london dave was really funny we always played it (tuch) in the play area n it was so fun at the end
every 1 was playing but we always got kicked out of the play area bye sucuraty dave is 13
Mike : hes gay he happy slaped me hes also from london
but once i got to no him he didnt hit me as mutch he 13
Nick : he was cool him and mike are brothers nick
is realy funny and hes always hyper hes 11
Viv : al the boys were always chatting her up even one
of the people hes 17 n he was UGLY any ways my bro fancied Viv lol she was funny and realy cool shes 13
Vicky : she was the quiet 1 of r group she didnt
realy tlk mutch but she was funny shes 13
Jamie : i dont realy no him i only meat him on the last
day but he semed realy cool and funny hes 13
James : james is gay he always takes the piss outa me and
he was anoying sum times but over times he was realy cool and steph thinks hes fit but i duno ?!? hes 14
Tom : e was one of my best friends i always tlked
to him he was so funny and heas from reding he always sed fo shizzle mo nizzle n i always pissed my self (not litraly lol)
n he always sed how he loves my acsent any ways hes 12
Liam : hes brother ashley is gay but liam is so funny hes
realy loud and hes always herting him selfe hes 12